Level 2 ASP Electrician – Why Do I Need One?
Macquarie Power provides a full spectrum of services including emergency level 2 electrical restorations such as service fuse replacements, Point of attachment failures, private power pole installations, Ausgrid defect notice repairs, fascia repairs and/or upgrades.
As an Ausgrid Authorised service provider we have all the necessary licenses to connect or disconnect the underground or overhead wires connecting you to the overhead mains.
New Electrical Meter installations and connections, require an authorised accredited ASP electrician to complete the connection to the main electrical Ausgrid network.
Roadworks or earthworks that are being performed near overhead or underground services, require disconnecting and reconnecting for the safety of all concerned. Overhead services will require Tiger Tails to be attached for the protection of the public and workers.
Moving Switchboards and Temporary Building Services from private poles to customer premises, commercial or residential, will need a level 2 Electrician to reconnect the power.
All Electricians at Macquarie Power are qualified, fully authorised and carry all relevant tickets and insurances. Macquarie Power services Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Lake Macquarie and the Central Coast.
Why use Macquarie Power
Macquarie Power is an authorised level 2 ASP Electrician required by Ausgrid to connect your electrical installation to the Ausgrid electricity distribution network. This type of work is called ‘contestable work’,
Contestable work includes
– installations and connections.
– Ausgrid Defects.
– Disconnect / Reconnect of Point of Attachments and network mains.
– Point Of Attachment repairs and upgrades.
– Installation of private poles. ( Timber & Steel )
– Private network maintenance and installation.
– Builders temporary services.
– Roadworks Temporary services
– Main switchboard and electrical smart meter installations/upgrades.
– Rectification of low service mains.
NSW requires an Accredited Service Provider (ASP) qualified with one of the service providers to install your basic meters, private power poles or any connect disconnect works. Macquarie Power has all the accreditation’s and specific licensing to perform all level two electrical work.
Ensure you only use a suitable accredited person to connect your home, business or specific structure to the electrical distribution network. This includes extending power lines to your premises or upgrading/repairing your electricity supply.
Basic meters (Types 5 and 6), in NSW, are managed by the individual networks ( eg Ausgrid). Other types of Smart meters ( types 1-4) are controlled by specific meter suppliers. All meter work require ticketed tradesman to perform the electrical work. See Ausgrid Level 2 ASP
Railway Worker Industry Accredited Electrician. MP has all RWI qualifications for electrical maintenance and emergency call outs in NSW. Peter has over 7 years experience working within the rail corridor and comes highly recommended with full level 2 Qualifications.
Quality Reliable Service at Affordable Prices
Our Details
- Speers Point NSW Australia
- 0402 204 662
- For contact please fill out form or call above number.

Contact Us
Macquarie Power provides a wide range of safe and reliable level 2 (ASP) electrical services to the Hunter – Central Coast Regions. You can trust that our skilled qualified electricians will be able to complete your project promptly, safely and within budget everytime.
Macquarie Power provides a 24 hr Service to all areas of the Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Hunter Valley including Speers Point, Raymond Terrace, Belmont, Cardiff, Charlestown, Dudley, Kotara, Toronto, Taralba, Warners Bay, Edgeworth, Jesmond, Lambton, Bolton Point, Fassifern, Blackalls Park, Fennel Bay, Booragul, Marmong Point, Kilaben Bay, Carey Bay, Coal Point, Rathmines and Fishing Point.