Repair Your Blown Service Fuse
24hr service to repair or replace your service fuse
CALL US NOW 0402 204 662
Why Did My Service/Barge Fuse Blow?

Finding the real reason for you blown fuses can be a frustrating process. Check leads and power points for issues or damage.
If you have an old house the problem may be in the wiring. To find the cause sometimes it is easier to get in an authorise licensed electrician to diagnose and solve your blown fuse problems.
Macquarie Power is a Reliable Level 2 Electrician
If you have blown fuses occurring in your house or business don’t wait get a qualified ‘Lecky to find the cause sooner rather than later.
We repair Blown Service Fuses any time.
A blown fuse stops what you’re doing and creates distress. Finding the problem and a ‘lecky to fix the issue with the right ASP qualifications can be just as frustrating. ( Lucky for you Macquarie Power has the Quals)
What causes a fuse to blow and what to do when they do!
How a Fuse Blows
Fuses are made from metals like tin and alloy both have a low melting point the lower the melting point the less current the fuse can take. The fuse blows when the centre gives way due to a surge of power flowing through and the core can’t handle it and it melts.
5 Most Common Reasons For A Blown Fuse
So why does a fuse blow?
1. Electrical systems and wiring are incongruent.
The electrical wiring and systems used in buildings today are a far cry from the ones used many years ago.
The wiring in new houses is generally far superior to old wiring systems. Present day systems require a lot more power than older houses were designed for. The wiring in old houses tends not to be able to withstand the demands of modern society. Resulting in blown fuses and switchboards.
2. Many appliances actually require more amperage than fuses can maintain.
When multiple appliances are switched on simultaneously it prevents electricity from flowing smoothly and creates pockets. Many appliances have to fail safes and then issue either blows fuses in appliances, switchboards or service fuses.
3. Electrical Surpluses Occur In Succession. Electrical Surges and Surpluses
When electrical surges occur in succession weaker filaments in the fuse occur resulting in blown fuses.
4. Electric Short Circuits
A short circuit is when a live wire contacts ground. This is a potentially dangerous situation resulting in a blown fuse. This is designed to protect you.
5. Fuse Blow Naturally
Fuses just blow over time. A lot of times you just have to replace the fuse and your good to go.
6. Incorrect Fuses Fitted.
If an incorrect fuse has been fitted it will result in frequently blown fuses.
Macquarie Power provides a 24 hr Service to all areas of the Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Hunter Valley including Speers Point, Raymond Terrace, Belmont, Cardiff, Charlestown, Dudley, Kotara, Toronto, Taralba, Warners Bay, Edgeworth, Jesmond, Lambton, Bolton Point, Fassifern, Blackalls Park, Fennel Bay, Booragul, Marmong Point, Kilaben Bay, Carey Bay, Coal Point, Rathmines and Fishing Point.
Ausgrid ASP Qualified Provider
Energy NSW
Australian Energy Regulator